Dead Bird In A Dustpan


Well, I guess the title describes everything. I went out into the patio of my friends, Charles and Jany’s, and noticed this bird on the table. It was dead.  I was puzzled as to how it got there. They are both animal lovers with cats and dogs and guinea pigs and fish, so seeing a dead bird was a bit out of character. I didn’t want to leave it for Jany to see, knowing she would be really upset, so I used a broom to knock it to the ground and swept it up into the red dustpan along with some leaves that were scattered about.  I decided to take an iPhone picture of the bird to show Charles and ask him about it.

A bit later I showed him the photo only to discover that he found the bird on the patio put the it on the table in the first place. Later, when I looked at the photo, I thought the composition was really interesting, particularly with the red dustpan as a background to this colorful bird.
The acrylic paint worked well trying to blend all of the colors together. It’s not often you find colorful animals close enough to paint.

Acrylic on Canvas: 20″ x16″



Additional information

Weight 8 lbs
Dimensions 20 × 5 × 24 in